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Pull up your C.H.A.I.R.℠ to the Leadership Table!

Here's your free chapter from the book Pull Up Your C.H.A.I.R!

Click the button below to download the chapter.

Does Your To-Do List Keep Growing?

Use our proven productivity system to design your ideal week in 30 minutes or less..

Let's be honest...feeling overwhelmed sucks!

We've been taught old school tactics such as managing our time. I realized that managing your time was bad advice.

About 15 years ago, I learned a valuable lesson: I learned to manage my focus, not my time.

How? I found structure which creates focus and focus leads to greater productivity. In fact, my productivity skyrocketed. The structure was based on three priorities a day. Not 5, not 10, not 15. Three and only three. Because when you prioritize three tasks, you focus on what matters.

And that is why I am sharing this Power of Three System with you. To give you the structure that creates focus.

Check out our free Power of Three template.

If you work in lobbying, download this FREE eBook

In Just 15 minutes You'll Learn...

How To Become


And Skyrocket Your Lobbying Career

As a lobbyist, the core of your job is the art of persuasion. Here are three keys to becoming an expert in persuasion so that you can advance your lobbyist career faster than you ever thought possible.

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